Wanda Sykes' portrait titled, “Who is Queen Now?” is a masterful play on irony that intertwines historical imagery with contemporary identity. By superimposing Wanda's head onto the body of Queen Elizabeth.1, I wanted to create a visually arresting piece that immediately draws attention to the stark contrasts and un-parallels between the two figures. 

At its core, the irony lies in the juxtaposition of a powerful historical monarch with Wanda Sykes, an African American Queer comedian known for her wit and irreverence. This fusion challenges traditional notions of authority and beauty, subverting the conventional hierarchy of historical portraiture. 

Moreover, the choice of Queen Elizabeth I's portrait, symbolizing regal power and influence, adds another layer of irony. By replacing the queen's head with Wanda's, I wanted to disrupt the traditional narrative of monarchy and highlight the absurdity of historical hierarchies when viewed through a modern lens. 

The irony extends further when considering the broader social and political context. In a society where marginalized voices have historically been silenced or overlooked, my portrayal of Wanda as the embodiment of authority challenges stereotypes and celebrates diversity; while positioning her at this moment as a Queen of Comedy. 

Ultimately, the irony in the portrait catalyzes critical reflection, inviting viewers to question preconceived notions of identity, power, and representation. It prompts us to confront the complexities of history and culture, and the multiplicities of identities, while embracing and celebrating the shared human experiences that the genre of comedy offers through a queer lens.

 Trailblazers Park is a permanent public space in the Fire Island Pines Harbor. The park pays tribute to the diverse legacies of both well-known and underrepresented LGBTQ+ heroes who dedicated their lives to fighting for the ongoing movement for equality and representation (Trailblazers). Each flag was individually created by Queer artists honoring and acknowledging and celebrating our collective histories and journeys. 


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